Jan 31, 2008

My week in music.

Albums that I've purchased/discovered/been enjoying, this week:

Chris Walla - Field Manual

I know I've already dedicated an entire post to this album, but it's really that good. It's sweet and endearing, very Death Cab, but with its own special something. With gorgeous vocals and melodies, this album is just a dream! If an album could be my boyfriend this would be my perfect suitor.
Feature track: Two-fifty

Andrew Bird - Armchair Apochrypha

Why has it taken me this long to discover this little gem of a solo artist?! This album, his latest, is full of beautiful songs with intelligent and witty lyrics. It has rarely seen the outside of me CD player since its purchase.
Feature track: Imitosis

The National - Boxer

I downloaded this long ago and forgot about it. After one listen I decided it needed to be my next CD purchase. And then I kicked myself for missing their show which was only a week previous, hard. The first time I listened to it, I was in a stunned state for the whole album, the whole time just thinking, wow. It's a masterpiece. The singer's deep voice caught me off-guard, but it grew on me immediately, and continues to, it's so unusual and hardly seen in indie music.
Feature track: Fake Empire

Spoon - Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga

A boy(friend) put a track from this album on a mix CD months ago and I didn't really pursue them further (Spoon, not the boy). Anyway, they were meant to support Arcade Fire, so I did a little research on them, and bought their latest album as it was on special. I was pleasantly surprised, I don't know I expected, but it's very listenable. Unfortunately, they pulled out of the support slot for the concert.
Feature track: The Ghost of You Lingers

Vampire Weekend - Vampire Weekend

Say hello to this year's first 'it' band. I purchased this album purely on hype, which has landed me with some fairly shoddy albums in the past. Anyway, these guys are proving to have a bit more originality about then than most 'it' bands. I'll need to listen to it more, and I'll get back to you, but from the first couple of spins I say that I don't hate it. Watch out for 'em.

Also recently purchased/downloaded/enjoyed:

The Octopus Project - Hello, Avalanche. I love the cover art! The songs are electronic pop bliss.

Tapes 'n Tapes - The Loon. Another impulsive album art purchase. Oops.

Shout Out Louds - Howl Howl Gaff Gaff. Very easy to get into, some quality songs on here.

Modest Mouse - Everywhere and His Nasty Palour Tricks [EP]

1 comment:

James said...

Armchair Apocrypha is one of my favourite albums ever. I also enjoy it oh so much more since I saw him live a couple of months ago. If you ever get the chance, go to a concert of his, he is amazing!

I bought Field Manual because I though "wow, Death Cab kind of!", but I was actually a bit disappointed. I mean, it is very nice and Death Cab-ish, but it's just not the same without Ben Gibbard (The Postal Service was my first love, and how I found DCFC, so I guess that's why...).

Have you listened to Spoon's Gimme Fiction? I like it much more than Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga. They were cool live before Arcade Fire, too.

Anyways, I don't really know why I'm writing all this. Sorry? I did enjoy reading your blogs so far, though!